Skills+ 3.0

Realisation: 2023-2026

Showcasing skills and boosting employability for people with a labour disability through national and European competitions.

The main goal of the project is to increase the chances of people with disabilities on the labor market. The main tool for an integrated labor market are professional skills competitions at the national and also at the European level. The project provides disabled people with a unique opportunity to present their knowledge and skills at competitions, to show their strengths and advantages.
The project builds on the innovative approach already proven in two previous projects, namely Paraskills and Skills Plus, which successfully adapted a globally recognized vocational education and training competition to focus on increasing the skills and talents of people with disabilities.
A total of 8 organizations are involved in the project, 4 of which have already participated in previous projects and 4 joined the partnership anew to enable the impact of this useful idea to be expanded.