
Realisation: 2023-2024

Strengthening the Digital and Psychological Capacity of Employees for the Effective Remote Work.
The project is directly addressed to adults and aims on building their skills and capacity and motivating them to increase their competences at local, national and EU level through the use of DiPsyCa developed results.

In addition, the engagement of the target group involved in the DiPsyCa will strengthen the digital and psychological readiness of employees to switch to remote or hybrid work. In addition, the DiPsyCa may be attractive and applicable for other categories of EU citizens.

The direct beneficiaries of the project are adults - employees who experience difficulties in the transition to remote or hybrid work due to the lack of specific digital competencies and the inability psychologically adapt to the changed nature of work. Due to the project activities, beneficiaries will be better prepared for tasks, requiring digital and psychological readiness, problem solving skills therefore enabling them to support a change in both in culture and society as well as in professional fields in industry.