DAD – Digital Aided Guide for Fathers-to-be

  Realisation: 2007-2009

The digital aided guide for fathers-to-be is a free and anonymous online service for fathers-to-be and all other interested persons. It is the only service, dealing with basic baby- care and –health issues, customized for men’s needs exclusively.

The service is successfully implemented in the Austrian market – 150.000 users since its national launch in 2004. With the financial contribution of the EC’s eTEN Programme, the scope of the DAD – guide is broadened at a European level.

Project Homepage:

01.06.2009 Project "DAD - Digital Aided Guide for Fathers-to-be"

International project aims to market deployment of digital guide for fathers to be is realized also in Czech Republic.

The guide is free available on project web site Idea is coming form Austrian prototype of service, which has gone since 2004 150.000 registered users.

The modules of DAD are of high didactical quality and deal in a playful way with the several issues of baby care. Guide is originally focused on men which are motived to active care of their babies.

Project is co-financed by European Union in the programme eTEN.

For more information about project, please visit the web site: or contact Euroface Consulting,

Pretest Questionnaire for the Target Group Testing of DAD you can download here. (format doc Microsoft Word)

Leaflet of project you can download here. (format pdf Acrobat Reader)