Our Activities

1) Development and dissemination of information and communication technologies

  • Creation of e-learning applications (interactive e-learning modules for further adult education, educational games / applications for students from kindergartens, primary and secondary schools
  • Realization of e-learning courses (our current offers and the e-learning links are place on out homepage)
  • Realization of ICT courses
  • Creation of websites
  • Support research and realization of studies and projects aimed at the development and dissemination of modern ICT especially into education sector and other sectors
  • Providing consulting services in ICT in education
  • Transfer of ICT innovation from international partnerships (e.g. managing Czech section of on-line system for evaluating students on the basis of competence; see more in bookmark Projects – Ingot)

2) Consulting and educational services

  • Realization and dissemination of the projects prepared in cooperation with organizations from the countries of the European Union
  • Active participation and involvement in programs of EU (ESF, Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus +)
  • Networking, including international partnerships and long-term cooperation aimed at improving of the quality of education

3) Support cooperation between educational and business sector

  • Support development and cooperation between educational organizations (schools and other educational institutions, training centers ) and business sector(small and medium-sized companies, industrial companies)
  • Participation in EU programs aimed at enterprises assistance for human resources development and employer´s training (including support for the creation of new jobs opportunities)
  • Providing employment consulting and personnel services (e.g. information, motivation, consulting seminars and workshops about labour market, employment and balance diagnostics, etc.)
  • counseling for the unemployed and the long-term unemployed leading to their long-term sustainable and satisfactory career prospects; counseling for employers, including a job placement

4) Support lifelong education

  • Creation and realization of lifelong learning courses (for company employees, teachers, job seekers and adults interested in further education)
  • Realization of company training
  • Development and dissemination of e-learning and other forms of lifelong education
  • Participation in programs of lifelong learning, membership in the Association of Adult Education Institutions of the Czech Republic, active partner in international projects aimed at the adult learning

5) Support equal opportunities

  • Cooperation with organizations specialized with equal opportunities of women and men in the labor market
  • Preparation and realization of the projects focused on creating the conditions for balance of family and working life and implementation of equal opportunities for women and men in the labor market
  • Training in the implementation of gender policies in companies, flexible forms of work, realization of equal opportunities audit focused on internal company processes from a gender perspective