DME - Diversity Management Extended

Realisation: 2014-2017

DME will elaborate the transition process of guiding (vulnerable) students and unemployed young people towards the labour market.

Our society needs to invest in inclusive employment for all, also and especially for the most vulnerable: early school leavers and youngsters with low education levels or physical/mental impairments. DME propagates an inclusive human resources management, covering the employer-employee relationship. DME broadens this approach by targeting 4 stakeholders:

  • Youth: persons with a distance to the labor market. To be concentrated on a target group of persons aged 16 to 30 years
  • Professionals: teachers/schools, employment counselors, social workers
  • Employers: increase awareness and willingness to invest in (vulnerable) youth
  • Governments: compare the legal environment with regard to Government support in the member states of the project partners