We have successfully completed the Royal Chance II. project


In the last two years we have supported a total of sixteen participants of the Royal Chance II Project that attended the two months internship abroad. Everyone agrees that this experience was very beneficial, helped to organize their thoughts and move on with their lives.

The last group of four returned from the Dutch town of Burgh - Haamstede. Two young men worked in a local hotel, as well as two young ladies who also had a chance to take photos of the hotel and its surroundings for the commercial purposes of the hotel and so could use the experience from studying the high school.

In addition to work duties, our participants also had a number of free -time activities and trips, such as trying horseback riding, playing golf, going on a trip to Amsterdam and Rotterdam and many more.

We are proud that, despite the covid restrictions, that were following us through the whole project and all three groups of interns, we´ve managed to successfully complete the project and fulfill everything we promised.

Photos from the intership - by clicking enlarge photo