Educational games DYS2GO for youngsters with dyslexia


After two years of intensive development in the Erasmus + program, we are excited to introduce a new tool attractive to youngsters - games which are focused on the development of problem areas of dyslexics.

Hry jsou zcela zdarma a nabízí zajímavé příběhové linie nebo jen jednoduché samostatné hry. Hry jsou dostupné ve verzi pro Windows, Android i iPhone.
The games are completely free of charge and offer interesting storylines or just simple stand-alone games. The games are available in versions for Windows, Android and iOS. Currently the trial version is available for download as we expect the final version to be released at the beginning of 2021. We are now collecting feedback from users which will help us improve the games. Your filling in the questionnaire would be greatly appreciated, please see the link below. The questionnaire is available in two versions, one for the users, the other for educators and psychologists:

Thank you for helping us improve!